Pozwolę sobie tu wkleić mail Staszka Kozickiego w sprawie przyszłości cgpsmappera.
Pochodzi on z listy na yahoo z końca stycznia 2010.
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/map_ ... nt=-30&l=1Dla mnie to jest główny problem z Garminem.
To co nas trzyma przy Garminie to dostępność darmowych map. Bez kompilatora ich nie będzie.
Brak GPMapy przeżyjemy ale jak nie będzie kompilatora to dla mnie garmin przestanie byc interesujący.
Dear Map Authors,
My first tests with the very last Mapsource version 6.15.9 indicates that the
problem is related to the TDB file.
For the moment I DO NOT KNOW whether updating TDB file will resolve the problem,
but at least I know where to start. It can happen that necessary fix to the TDB
file is an easy one (but could be opposite of course )
We have to be aware that Garmin wants to change the protection method and we do
not know whether it will be possible in the nearest future to use - lets call it
- 'old locking' method.
My assumption is - within one year the 'old locking' way will no longer work -
as that would be the most logical step from the Garmin side.
For sure I will NOT work on the new method for at least few reasons -
- it uses sophisticated signing using cryptographic
- it would require a lot of time to break the method
- this time I'm sure - it would broke several licenses (what I'm not going to
Only following the logical aspect - we have to assume that this time Garmin did
a housework - and it won't be anymore as 'easy' as it was in the past.
I do declare at the moment -
*** I will not do that for sure. ***
From the Garmin communication we can read :
In this first phase we will be adding a digital signature to be paired with our
existing unlock codes to ensure that the unlock code was created by Garmin and
not an external tool such as Keygen. Content released prior to this change will
continue to work as it currently does on both old and new units. Only new
content released after this technology becomes available (with new license files
from Garmin) will benefit from the changes. Note also that new map releases
will continue to function on existing devices with no change needed on your
part. Moving forward, nearly all Garmin devices will expect a digital
signature to be present for any map unlock code associated with new mapping
content. Without this signature, the map will not be recognized in the Garmin
In the second phase to be implemented soon, we will be adding a signature
directly in the map binary as well. This mechanism will allow our devices to
detect when certain modifications have been applied to the map file after
production, particularly the removal or modification of the locking structures
themselves. This phase will require you to have internet connectivity at the
time your products are built, so that appropriate signature information can be
generated behind our firewall for each map, and inserted into the binary when
you build the product. Please plan ahead as needed
From above it is not clear whether unlocked maps will continue to work as well.
Taking strictly the above message - unlocked contents should work fine...
'Old-way locked' - not necessary...
Over the years independent map creators did a great job making thousands of free
(and commercial) maps for the places which were forgotten by the official map
suppliers. Things are going to change, market is more dense at the moment with
all the different GPS systems suppliers.
I bet, Garmin do recognize the benefits from that (making for some profiles the
first-choice devices), but the sense of the company it to make profit and
protect intelectual property. I do believe, they did prepare themself for the
next steps:
- they already do allow to upload bitmaps to some of the devices
- MPC is more and more available (but still under strict control of Garmin - so
- it's not like everyone can buy it)
What next?
From my side - I'll continue to support all my customers as long as possible,
doing my best effort to make maps compatible with Garmin devices (as this is my
main focus).
What about new versions of the program? (do not forget that there are at least
two more different solutions for creating Garmin maps!) - as for today - I do
not know.
What I will continue, is to fix found bugs and support my customers (as written
What is unsure now
- whether I'll continue to offer locking (most likely - no)
- whether I'll implement new functionalities of the NT technology
- whether I'll release (prepared from long time already) cGPSmapper 2.0
(completly rebuilded version from the technical point of view, but in terms of
result - implementing exactly same features as the current version of the
- whether I'll continue my work on the subject at all
Whatever decision I will make, I'll share it here.