napisał(a) Raphael » 13.05.2019 21:04
marekkowalak napisał(a):Witam i mam pytanie odnośnie starego przejścia Letenye - Gorican. Wiem, że jest zamknięte do końca lipca, a mnie wypada tamtędy jechać na początku lipca. Planuję jechać przez Węgry drogami bezpłatnymi i stąd moje pytanie: czy mogę przejechać przez nowe przejście na rzece Mura, skręcić na pierwszym zjeździe w M70 i zaraz zjechać na DK7 do centrum Letenye? Czy w takim wypadku mogę jechać bez winiety, czy jednak będzie potrzebna?
Też mnie to nurtowało, aż wystosowałem maila do National Toll Payment Services PLC. Zaskoczyli mnie piękną, długą i pełną odpowiedzią na 9 stron w pdf
z tego 2 to meritum (przytaczam poniżej), a reszta to RODO i inne takie:
- Kod: Zaznacz cały
The terms regarding the sale, the validation and the control of road use authorisation, as well as the levying of fines, is determined by the amended Decree No. 36/2007 of the Ministry of Economy and Transport on the toll for the use of motorways, highways, and national roads (“the Toll Decree”).
With regard to closure, or restriction the Decree states: (4) No user charge shall be paid on a toll section as long as another road is closed for traffic or traffic is restricted along and diverted from such other road, if the toll road section concerned has been designated as a diversion by the bodies under Section 14(1)(a) and (b) of the Public Roads Traffic Act and the road operator and the body entitled to control toll payment have been notified in advance or simultaneously where appropriate. The agency ordering the road closure or traffic restriction or diversion shall inform road users, by way of media service providers, about the toll road sections designated as a diversion as well as about the duration of the closure, restriction or diversion. Unless the body ordering the restriction or diversion otherwise notifies, vehicles not having a road use authorisation shall only use the toll road designated as a diversion between the point of entry to the toll section and the next exit to a road junction. No previously purchased road use authorisation shall be reimbursed on the grounds that the toll road section was exempt from toll payment due to diversion.
(4a) Where the exit to a road junction under paragraph (4) is closed, the road section designated as a diversion may be used up to the next open exit to a road junction along the toll road section concerned.
(4b) The exemption under paragraphs (4) and (4a) shall also apply to the use of the toll road section designated as a diversion by vehicles not otherwise authorised to use the toll section even if no notification is made by way of media providers.
Based on the above the agency ordering the road closure or traffic restriction or diversion shall inform road users, by way of media service providers, about the toll road sections designated as a diversion as well as about the duration of the closure, restriction or diversion. The closure is ordered by Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt. If a section is designated as a diversion by the appropriate body, no user charge shall be paid.
Czyli, z tego co na szybko zrozumiałem, generalnie się nie powinno w takiej sytuacji płacić, ale w sumie to nie wiemy i pytajcie się w firmie która to rozkopała czyli w Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
Ostatnio edytowano 14.05.2019 05:42 przez
Raphael, łącznie edytowano 1 raz