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POI's for 15000 campsites in Europe for navigationsystems

Którędy jechać? Ile zajmuje pokonanie trasy? Na jakich odcinkach drogi są płatne? Gdzie przekraczać granice? Nocować po drodze czy nie? A jeśli tak, to gdzie? Co zabrać w podróż, na co uważać, jak się zachowywać, jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Gdzie nie warto tankować i co z LPG.
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Posty: 2
Dołączył(a): 18.08.2007
POI's for 15000 campsites in Europe for navigationsystems

Nieprzeczytany postnapisał(a) archies » 18.08.2007 23:47

Hello all of you in Poland!

First of all, I am sorry that I have to use the English language, but I don't speak Polish :oops: .
I hope someone of you can and will translate this message in Polish!.

I think some of you know already my website, thanks to a post of el_guapo in this forum.

From my site it is possible to download poi's for about 15000 campsites all over Europe. There are four categories:
a. 3800 campsites along the European highways
b. 575 campsites associated with te CampingCheque organisation
c. 1100 campsites associated with the CampingCard ACSI organisation
d. 11000 other European campsites.

At this moment my partner and I are trying to find the very exact gps-positions of the entrance of Polish campsites along highways (category a.).
For this reason (and of course to announce my website to you) I post this message. We are looking for one or two persons who want to help us by locating the campistes and ask in Polish others to help them in this forum. If you think you can help us, please take contact with me by e-mail and I shall give you more details. You will find the mailbox on my website. To communicate it is important for me of course you speak English (or German).

Kind regards,

Archie's Snelwegcampings

The adress of the website of my partner is:
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Posty: 1561
Dołączył(a): 08.07.2003
Re: POI's for 15000 campsites in Europe for navigationsystem

Nieprzeczytany postnapisał(a) el_guapo » 19.08.2007 08:19

archies napisał(a):Hello all of you in Poland!

Hello archies!

Thanks for the message. There're places in polish internet where you can find some coordinates for campsites.

First: This project has just started and hasn't got all functions. As you can see it will be problably translated to german and english. This is new version of the second one:
Posty: 2
Dołączył(a): 18.08.2007

Nieprzeczytany postnapisał(a) archies » 22.08.2007 22:32

Hello el-guapo,

Thanks for the links. We'll see what we can do with it.

To all:
Still we search for Polish campers who want to help us with the lokating of some campites in Poland.
If you think you can, please send us an e-mail!

Kind regards,

Powrót do Samochodem - trasy, noclegi, przepisy, uwagi

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POI's for 15000 campsites in Europe for navigationsystems
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