napisał(a) gospodarz » 11.12.2006 19:37
Myślę, że ta informacja wyjaśni wszelkie wątpliwości co do trasy Budapeszt-Letenye (M7). Podaję za, informacja z września br.
[QUOTE=Qtya;9850826]The M7 Motorway
The M7 Motorway/Highway is probably one of the oldest developments of the World. It was started in 1964... And it will be finished in 2008. 44 years... No comment... Today the M7 is a none consecutive highway. Its finished between Budapest and Zamardi (90 km). This section was completely modernized durring 2001-2002.
From Zamardi until Balatonszárszó with the viaduct at Köröshegy (pics in the 6th post and here:)
is going to be finished just before next Christmas if the constructor can work as planned. This section is 14 kms long.
After Balatonszárszó the highway is finished on 46 kms until it reaches Balatonkersztúr. The sector between Balatonkeresztúr and Nagykanizsa (36 kms) is way behind schedule. The government will enounce the winner of that tender this Wednesday. Hopefully...
From Nagykanizsa until Becsehely (17 kms) the highway is in a very advanced condition. Its near completion. We can drive on it from this December.
Here are some photos of this section from the mid-summer:
The highway between Becsehely and Letenye (9 kms) is again finished, construczions ended 2004.11.
Some pictures of this section with the M70 expressway connection:
There is one little piece of the M7 highway left. 1 km at the Croatian border with the bridge over the Mura river. This part of the development is under international public procurement, and I know nothing about it.
Please help me on this one if somebody knows more!
Now the summery of M7:
90+14+46+36+17+9+1 (kms) = 213 kms
The complete highway hopefully will be finished in 2008.[/QUOTE]