Od jakiegos czasu w Chorwacji trwa dyskusja nad obowiazkiem posiadania chorwackiego patentu przy prowadzeniu lodki pod bandera tego kraju. Poniewaz wszystkie jachty czarterowe musza byc rejestrowane w Cro sprawa dotyczy wszystkich czarterujacych.
Projekt takiego przepisu pojawil sie w ichniejszym parlamencie, ale wywolal liczne protesty, zarowno firm czarterowych jak i zagranicznych zwiazkow zeglarskich.
Ostatnia znana mi oficjalna informacjia wyglada nastepujaco:
Due to upcoming nautical fairs taking place in Croatia and outside of Croatia the Croatian Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure is announcing that it is in the process of preparing amendments to the Ordinance on boats and yachts which will ensure the recognition of the certificates of competency issued by foreign relevant authorities. In that way foreign citizens will be allowed to operate Croatian boats and yachts if holding a certificate of competency issued by the relevant authorities of their country. The Ministry will recognize foreign certificates to the extent to which they are in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Republic of Croatia. The planned amendments, which should be implemented by the upcoming tourist season, will also greatly facilitate the operation of chartering activities in Croatia while not decreasing the safety of navigation. (Quelle: Homepage des Ministeruims http://www.mmpi.hr:80/default.aspx?id=5450)
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